Autogyro Or You Can Call It Gyrocopter Is For Sale Now---
Will Cost 700Euros
Autogyro Is available For Sale
- Excellent And Lovely Autogyro is Experimental GyroPit (Like Helicoptor)
- Autogyro (GyroCopter) has 8-h-12 rotor
- Autogyro (GyroCopter) weight is 112Kgs only Its Lighweight.
- Autogyro (GyroCopter) has excellent Brakes.
- Autogyro (GyroCopter) has tested (flown) for 3 hours
- Autogyro (GyroCopter) is located in Bulgaria and Can be Delivered Anywhere.(at extra cost)
- Autogyro (GyroCopter) is a machine that you will love
- Autogyro (GyroCopter) has two F200 engines with 28HP capacity each is the one and only in the world.
can you tell me where i can find this gyro?
ReplyDeleteHi, did you build this one yourself? Can you tell me a little more about the engine?